Thank you for visiting my blog where I will expose the tobacco industry for placing profits above customer’s health and lives. Being an African-American I’m particularly appalled at the way they successfully target the African-American community. As a Respiratory Therapist I’m constantly reminded of how tobacco sucks the life out of it’s victims. It’s sad to see people pour billions upon billions annually to the profits of the tobacco industry ultimately to be rewarded with suffering and death. If a person was to take your money, mane and kill you, they would be prosecuted and punished. But because the tobacco industry is so big, they can do it out in the open without a peep from the powers that be.
Let’s be clear tobacco has no useful purpose other than to feed the greed of tobacco companies.Where are our government officials who have sworn an oath to protect us from all threats foreign and domestic?
I invite you to return to learn more about how the tobacco industry is allowed to exploit the African-American community under the watchful of our government and join the fight against tobacco.